ATDW has introduced new tracking URLs in October 2021.
This allows ATDW to communicate to the profile owners how your distribution channel has assisted their business by providing insights on the profile performance which we hope leads to better engagement between distributor and operator.
We need all distribution partners to implement the tracking URL versions on all click actions to an ATDW supplied URL on your website. Wherever you have a URL displayed or a button please ensure the "withTracking" URL is used to generate these metrics.
A new field has been introduced to output the tracking URLs in the Get Product API and Get Service API endpoint. The new fields are implemented alongside the current fields and are identified using the keyword "with tracking". There are no changes to the values in the current fields that will continue to show the actual URLs (without the tracking code) as supplied by the profile owners and this will ensure the existing distribution websites displaying the actual URLs are not affected. Please see below more information:
Content | Current Field | New Field | Applicable Endpoint |
Website URL, Booking URL and Shopping URL | communicationDetail | communicationDetailWithTracking | Get Product API |
Deal URL | dealUrl | dealUrlWithTracking | Get Product API and Get Service API |
Tour URL | tourBooking | tourBookingWithTracking | Get Service API |
Tour Booking URL | serviceBooking | serviceBookingWithTracking | Get Service API |
Content | Current Field | New Field | Applicable Endpoint |
Website URL, Booking URL and Shopping URL | communication_detail | communication_detail_with_tracking | Get Product API |
Deal URL | deal_url | deal_url_with_tracking | Get Product API and Get Service API |
Tour URL | tour_booking | tour_booking_with_tracking | Get Service API |
Tour Booking URL | service_booking | service_booking_with_tracking | Get Service API |
The following table shows the format of content output by the new field that exists alongside the current field.
"communication": [ { "attributeIdCommunication": "CAURENQUIR", "attributeIdCommunicationDescription": "URL Enquiries", "communicationIsdCode": "61", "countryName": "Australia", "communicationDetail": "", "communicationDetailWithTracking": "" }, { "attributeIdCommunication": "CAUBENQUIR", "attributeIdCommunicationDescription": "Booking URL", "communicationIsdCode": "61", "countryName": "Australia", "communicationDetail": "", "communicationDetailWithTracking": "" }, { "attributeIdCommunication": "CAUSENQUIR", "attributeIdCommunicationDescription": "Shopping URL", "communicationIsdCode": "61", "countryName": "Australia", "communicationDetail": "", "communicationDetailWithTracking": "" } ]
<product_communication> <row> <attribute_id_communication>CAURENQUIR</attribute_id_communication> <attribute_id_communication_description>URL Enquiries</attribute_id_communication_description> <communication_isd_code>61</communication_isd_code> <country_name>Australia</country_name> <communication_detail></communication_detail> <communication_detail_with_tracking></communication_detail_with_tracking> </row> <row> <attribute_id_communication>CAUBENQUIR</attribute_id_communication> <attribute_id_communication_description>Booking URL</attribute_id_communication_description> <communication_isd_code>61</communication_isd_code> <country_name>Australia</country_name> <communication_detail></communication_detail> <communication_detail_with_tracking></communication_detail_with_tracking> </row> <row> <attribute_id_communication>CAUSENQUIR</attribute_id_communication> <attribute_id_communication_description>Shopping URL</attribute_id_communication_description> <communication_isd_code>61</communication_isd_code> <country_name>Australia</country_name> <communication_detail></communication_detail> <communication_detail_with_tracking></communication_detail_with_tracking> </row> </product_communication>
"deals": [ { "dealUrl": "", "dealUrlWithTracking": "", } ]
<deals> <row> <deal_url></deal_url> <deal_url_with_tracking></deal_url> </row> </deals>
"tourBooking": "", "tourBookingWithTracking": "" "serviceBooking": "", "serviceBookingWithTracking": ""
<tour_booking></tour_booking> <tour_booking_with_tracking></tour_booking_with_tracking> <service_booking></service_booking> <service_booking_with_tracking></service_booking_with_tracking>
"serviceDeals": [ { "dealUrl": "", "dealUrlWithTracking": "", } ]
<service_deals> <row> <deal_url></deal_url> <deal_url_with_tracking></deal_url_with_tracking> </row> </service_deals>
The following is a guide only. Please use a method that best suites your website needs.
Distributors may opt to use the "href" attribute to embed the tracking URL.
<a href="insert the values from the new field here">insert the values from the current field here</a>
<a href="insert the values from the new field here">Display Text (e.g. Book Now)</a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href="">Book Now</a>
As a next step, ATDW will review the possibility of implementing the tracking URLs to the external system data (social media URLs, third party booking URLs, etc.) to further improve the engagement between the distributors and operators.
We appreciate you supporting this requirement to apply the new click tracking URL to all click actions within your website enabling ATDW to collect and serve valuable metrics to the tourism industry we serve.
For more information or support integrating this to your site, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.