Get Product Endpoint - Retiring Content

ATDW is currently undergoing a transformation, marked by a company rebranding and the upcoming launch of a new modernised platform.

As part of transition to the new platform, a number of deprecated fields have been identified that no longer return content in the Get Product API response. These fields will be retired at launch. Please see below the list of fields that will be retired at launch.

Field Name Format Comments
International Ready Flag XML and JSON
National Head Office Flag XML and JSON
Contributing Organisation Id XML and JSON
Market Variant Id XML and JSON
Children Catered For Flag XML and JSON
Children Catered For Text XML and JSON
Pets Allowed Flag XML and JSON
Pets Allowed Text XML and JSON
Disabled Access Flag XML and JSON
Disabled Access Text XML and JSON
Pickup Available Flag JSON only
Brochure Available Flag XML and JSON
Attribute Id Atdw Status XML and JSON
Attribute Id Atdw Status Description XML and JSON
Attribute Id Atdw Status Description Mv XML and JSON
Nearest Gateway XML and JSON
Nearest Gateway Distance XML and JSON
Reception Hours Text XML and JSON
Attribute Id Rate Basis XML and JSON
Attribute Id Rate Basis Description XML and JSON
Addresses --> Override Domestic Region Flag XML and JSON
Addresses --> Product Address Street Directory Relationship XML and JSON
Internet Points --> Address Detail Id XML and JSON
Internet Points --> Override Domestic Region Flag XML and JSON
product brochure XML and JSON
Entry Cost --> Valid From Date XML and JSON
Entry Cost --> Valid To Date XML and JSON
Multimedia --> Market Variant Id XML and JSON
Multimedia → Video ID XML and JSON
Multimedia --> attribute id multimedia file XML and JSON applicable to video
Multimedia --> attribute id multimedia file description XML and JSON applicable to video
Multimedia --> attribute id size orientation description XML and JSON applicable to video
Multimedia --> multimediaDescription XML and JSON applicable to video
Product Site --> Product Site Address Relationship --> Override Domestic Region Flag XML and JSON
Product Site --> Product Site Address Relationship --> Product Site Address Street Directory Relationship XML and JSON
Product Site --> Product Site Attribute Relationship XML and JSON
Product Site --> Product Site Comment Relationship XML and JSON
Product Site --> Product Site Communication Relationship XML and JSON
Product Site --> Product Site Licence Relationship XML and JSON
Product Site --> Product Site Related Site Relationship XML and JSON
Product Site --> Product Site Multimedia Relationship  XML and JSON
Product Site --> Product Site Contact Relationship XML and JSON
Product season XML only
Product session time XML only
Product sponsor XML only
Product Proximity XML and JSON
Product Widget JSON only
Product License XML only
Services --> International Ready Flag XML and JSON
Services --> Children Catered For Flag XML and JSON
Services --> Children Catered For Text XML and JSON
Services --> Pets Allowed Flag XML and JSON
Services --> Pickup Available Flag XML and JSON
Services --> Service Start Location --> Start Location Text XML and JSON
Services --> Service Start Location → override_domestic_region_flag XML only
Services --> Service Start Location --> Service Start Loc Street Directory Relationship XML and JSON
Services --> Service End Location --> End Location Text XML and JSON
Services --> Service End Location → override_domestic_region_flag XML only
Services --> Service End Location --> Service End Loc Street Directory Relationship XML and JSON
Services --> Attribute Id Rate Basis XML and JSON
Services --> Attribute Id Rate Basis Description XML and JSON
Services --> Attribute Id Rate Basis Definition XML and JSON
Services --> Product Service Configuration Relationship --> Number Of Services XML and JSON
Services --> Product Service Configuration Relationship --> Attribute Id Service Config XML and JSON
Services --> Product Service Configuration Relationship --> Attribute Id Service Config Description XML and JSON
Services --> Product Service Configuration Relationship --> Attribute Id Service Config Definition XML and JSON
Services --> Service Multimedia --> Market Variant Id XML and JSON
Services --> Service Multimedia --> videoId XML and JSON
Services --> Service Multimedia --> attribute id multimedia file XML and JSON applicable to video
Services --> Service Multimedia --> attribute id multimedia file description XML and JSON applicable to video
Services --> Service Multimedia --> attribute id size orientation description XML and JSON applicable to video
Vertical Classifications  --> Product Sub Type lowest XML only

For more information please do not hesitate to contact the ATDW Distribution team on [email protected]