The search call allows you to search the ATDW data and return high level information for products. There are a variety of parameters you can use to filter your results and to control the output. This page gives details and examples of each of these parameters. You can combine the different filters to return highly relevant results.
All apartments within the term 'views' with results returned in JSON format
https://[host]/api/atlas/products?key=[key]&cla=APARTMENT&term=viewsThe 'term' parameter allows for a full text search of ATDW data. The API will return all products which return the product in the name, description, classification, attribute, region, area or suburb/city. The search uses common techniques such as ignoring common words and dropping common word endings. Results will be ordered by relevancy unless the order parameter is used.
The 'cats' parameter allows you to filter the results by categories such as Accommodation, Attractions or Events. You can select multiple categories using a comma separated list. The response will contain products in any of the specified categories.
Each ATDW category has a set of classifications to identify different types of products within that category. The 'cla' parameter allows you to filter the results by classification such as hotels, farm stays or resorts. You can select multiple classifications using a comma separated list. The response will contain products with at least one of the requested classifications.
Each ATDW product has a set of associated attributes to tell you more about the facilities or activities you can enjoy at the location.
The 'att' parameter allows you to filter the results by attributes.
You can select multiple attributes using a comma separated list (to apply an AND condition in search) or a pipe seperated list (to apply an OR condition in search) to find specific sets of products.
The 'att' parameter can also be used to filter the results by tags as tags are attributes of the product. Alternately, 'tags' parameter can be used to filter the results by tags
TXA enabled products are stored in the ATDW Database with the codes of TXA_DEFAULT and TXA_MULTI.
Products denoted with TXA_DEFAULT means that there is a single point, where products with TXA_MULTI. have multiple booking points.
To retrieve a list of products which are TXA enabled, the following filter can be applied - &att=ESC_TXA_DEFAULT|ESC_TXA_MULTI.
The GetProduct call (under the EXTERNAL system) will return the V3 short names for each product too.
To retrieve products with specific social media links, the same filtering can be applied by appending the social media name reference at the end - &att=ESC_FACEBOOK.
Please see the list below for the social media links references.
All ATDW products optionally has set of associated tags. The 'tags' parameter allows you to filter the results by tags. Tags are unique to distributor keys. To view a list of available tags for your distributor key please see Tags Static API call.
The 'latlong and dist' parameters allow you to search for products within a number of kilometres from a specified location. If you perform a geospatial search you will also be given a 'nearest location' in the results. If a product has multiple locations then this value is the closest location to your search position.
Note that geospatial searches check product locations for all categories, and for Tour and Transport products will also check service locations.
The 'ply' parameter allows you to find all products within a defined polygon.
Note that polygon searches check product locations for all categories, and for Tour and Transport products will also check service locations.
All ATDW products and service are associated with different States. You can query by State using the 'st' parameter to search within product-level location and/or 'servicest' to search within service-level location.
All ATDW products and service are associated with different suburb/cities. You can query by suburb/city using the 'ct' parameter to search within product-level location and/or 'servicect' to search within service-level location.
All ATDW products are associated with different areas. You can query by area using the 'ar' parameter to search within product-level location and/or 'servicear' to search within service-level location.
All ATDW products are associated with different regions. You can query by region using the 'rg' parameter to search within product-level location and/or 'servicerg' to search within service-level location.
Events have start and end dates. You can query a time period to find products that fall inside that range.
Events have next occurrence date field that returns single date value to indicate the next occurrence of each Event profile. You can either query a single date value (or) date range to find Events where the next occurrence date fall inside that date range.
All ATDW products with an indicative rate greater than the specified 'minRate' parameter.
All ATDW products with an indicative rate less than specified maxRate parameter.
All Accommodation listings that match the specified Star Rating parameter.
This parameter allows you to request a reduced output with no description. This can be used as a performance improvement where the description is not used from the initial search.
The 'uploadedThroughBulk' parameter allows you to view the breakdown of results to show whether products were added manually or via bulk upload tool (Contribution API / Import CSV).
There are a couple of parameters to control paging. These are 'pge' for page number and 'size' for results per page. To enable you to calculate the number of pages the 'number of results' is returned from the search call.
Results can be requested in JSON or XML format.
To obtain results in a different market variant you can use the 'mv' parameter.
You can use the 'fl' parameter to return a subset of the data from the default return results.
You can use the order parameter to sort the results
'Random Seeded Search'. By specifying a seed value, you can ensure randomly ordered set of results are unique during pagination i.e., same set of results across different pages for the given session.
Implementation guide:
Additional query filter allows users to filter search results by using any fields associated with the listings/products.